AND...I would love to post pictures of your freebies! So, email your pictures to me, and I will post them here for you. Meanwhile, leave a comment below on the gift you got and any feedback!
Although my blog has many different aspects to it, the main reason I started blogging was to help others take advantage of these wonderful free offers online. By letting me know you are getting your free gifts, too, you are making my day and the time I spend blogging worthwhile!
I can't wait to hear from you, too!

Your 2008, 2009, & 2010 Gifts
Kim J. - $500 Visa Gift Card
Heather - $500 Visa from IDeal Top Notch
$50 Visa Gift Card & $50 Worth of Snickers - Chrystal @ Splendid Living Santa Barbara
$500 Gift Card - Kim B.
$500 Check from IDeal - Rachel G.
$500 Visa Gift Card - Kirsten T.
$500 Visa Gift Card - Jillian H.
Misty's Daughter w/ her $1,500 Check - Nuitech
$500 Visa Gift Card - Leanne
$500 Visa Gift Card - Jennie
Delores - $500 Kmart Gift Cards and $500 Exxon/Mobil
Angie N - $500 Visa Gift Card

Tammy - $500 Exxon/Mobil Gas Cards from I-Deal Site
Andrea from Mommy Snacks - $500 Exxon/Mobil Gas Cards from I-Deal Site
Read Andrea's Post here
Jenny D. - $500 Gas Cards from I-Deal site
Tricia R. - picture of her $500 Gas Cards
Lisa C. - $750 Visa Gift Card from Nuitech
Carlie F. - $500 Gas Cards from I-Deal
Leigh B - $500 Gas Cards
Susan Y. - $500 Gas Cards
Nicole - $500 Sears Gard
Lisa N - $500 Gas Gift Cards
Malia ( her son in the picture ) - $500 Visa Gift Cards
Amanda G - $1,200 Check
Jenny D ( and her baby ) - $500 Visa Gift Cards
$500 Visa - Dawn at Deal Chaser
$500 Gas Cards - Rachel
$500 Visa Gift Card - Misty @
Wii and Wii Fit - Nicole @ Nicole's Nickels
Rachel - $500 Visa
Rachel - $500 Home Depot Gift Card
$500 Visa & $500 Shell Gas Cards - Tutti @ Tribal Talk
Darcy - $500 Home Depot Gift Cards
Cindy @ One Thrifty Chick - $500 Kmart Gift Card
Jessica @ Shopping Cents and Sensibility - $500 Shell Gas Cards
Kami - $500 Home Depot Gift Card
Leah - $500 Visa Gift Card from Nuitech
Tina @ Money Saved, Money Earned, Product Reviews and Random Thoughts - $500 Visa and Toyota Shirt
Ruth W - $500 Visa and Ford Shirt
Amber @ To Save a Penny - $500 Visa
Barbara - $500 Visa and T Shirt
Bargain Fun - Free Wii and Wii Fit
Cindy - $500 Visa
Ruth - $750 Gift Cards
I'm thinking of trying one of these offers. When the offer says gift card for best buy or circuit city - is the card for that only... or do they let you choose a gift card that isn't specific to a store? Thanks!
Hi Robin,
This all depends on the actual site you are on.
How you can NORMALLY tell is when you begin filling out the form, there will be a drop down box that you can choose. Sometimes, when you click on the drop down box, you will see a choice for a
VISA/MASTERCARD gift card instead.
I always pick those...because I can use them whereever.
If not, you need to choose the gift that they have in the drop down.
And, finally, sometimes....they just send you a check at the end, instead of the gift card you requested.
The problem...there is no way of knowing this upfront.
The only other option is selling the gift card on eBay or one of the Gift Card Exchange sites.....which will probably sell well near Christmas.
You won't get 100% of your money out of it, but often times you can get pretty close.
You can do a search on eBay to see what past gift cards for that store historically sell for.
Jennifer just posted this in the comment section under General, but I wanted to make sure it got placed here under the Bragger section...
Congrats, Jennifer!!!!!
Hi Carrie,
I know it's been awhile, but I have been reading your blog. I wanted to let you know that I received my $500 giftcard the same day that you received yours. It was quite a surprise, but a pleasant one. I wasn't expecting it so soon! Thanks for all your help! I truly appreciate your guidance, your responsiveness to my emails and telephone calls and just your willingness to help. I was a basket case at the beginning but I'm glad you were able to help me through it and gave me such positive insights!
I'm trying to do another one, but haven't found the right one yet. Now that I'm getting back to work as well, time is more against me. I'm unable to do the one that you are currently doing and I'm unsure about the pay to shop as well.
I hope you will continue with the blog. I was worried when you didn't post for a few days, but glad to know that everything is well. I just hate it when I find a blog I like and then find out shortly thereafter that they couldn't continue. (of course, they are all the reasons I understand). It's happened for me a few times already and I've only been reading them since the end of May.
Hi Carrie!!
Its jennifer from SisterlySavings and of course I gotta "brag" about getting my Free $500 Gas Gift cards which came the day after you got yours!! That was fast! I started in July with you and couldn't believe how quickly i got my rewards!!
Thank you so much for all your help and for answering my many phone calls,lol~!
Can't wait to start my next one:)
Hi - would you ever consider doing an offer together as a goup somehow? Is that possible?
Thanks for all your insight. Wow the time it takes you to share your insight and help the rest of us just "cause".
I would love to do that, if allowed.
In fact, when I did my higher dollar amount ones with IDeal, a very large group of us did them together.
But, as soon as we started, they changed the terms/conditions ( I think they figured out we were all helping each other ) and it was grounds for disqualification. They call it Conga Lines.
They are also very particular about telling people "specifics" about offers they should do, how to do the specific offers etc.
It would be fun to do a "group" offer, BUT it is not worth a large group of us being disqualified, spending money, and not getting our free money....
Got my $500 gas cards yesterday!!! I mailed in my certificate 9/23/08 and received my cards 10/23/08!!! What a quick turnaround. Thank you so much for all your help!!!
I've actually complete 3 of these kind of offers since I read your blog and tried for my first reward in September, but yesterday was my first payoff!! I should be getting 2 more by the end of the year.
Thanks for all your advice and help!!! I would have never tried this without your inspiration!
Tammy F. from NC
Carrie, thanks again for your amazing help through my first $500 and now this one too! You rock!
Hi Carrie,
I just received my $500 gift cards from consumer rewards (yay!) and I'm ready for my next offer! I'm going to do the $1000 gift card from superb rewards. For the offer, do you know if you have to join or if you can do the free membership? I've looked at the site a few times and I can't find where it says either way. Have you ever done the offer?
Thanks so much!!
Kate D.
Kate D,
Congratulations! I am so excited for you.
If you get a chance to take a picture with your gift cards, please email it to me at moneysavingmethods at so I can post above with the others.
In regards to the $1,000 from Superb Rewards, please make sure to read all the instructions for Nuitech sites and the Questions and Answers before starting.
Since you MUST remain a member of all but 2 of the offers past 60 days, the odds are you will have to become a member, unless this is one of the 2 offers you don't want to keep.
Thanks so much for your help...I got my $500 in gas cards last week.
Thanks so much for all your tips! I got my first $500 in gas gift cards a few weeks ago! I'm now starting on a new offer. It wasn't hard at all with your directions to follow! Thanks again for saving my family some extra money!
Just wanted to say thank you so much! I did a $500 Visa Gift Card offer from I-Deal. I was approved on Oct 22 and received my card on Nov 12! I wasn't expecting it until at least December. Can you say Merry Christmas?!
Thanks again!
The Fed Ex Man thought I was nuts I'm sure because I was whooping and hollering! ~ lol. I was so excited. Thank you so much Carrie! This came at just the right time for us since my husband was laid off last month :(
Thanks again so much! What a blessing this was!
Carlie Faulk
Money invested towards gift card -- $76.23
Number of hours invested towards gift card -- 5
Number of hours worrying after first offer completed - 1
Number of doctor visits due to worrying - 0
Number of minutes re-reading Carrie's blog for reassurance - 20
Receiving $500 gift card, making a $423.77 profit, being thankful to Carrie and her giving spirit for all of the time and effort she puts in to helping us - PRICELESS
Thank you, Carrie!
I'm so excited!! I'll email you a pic this evening! YAY!!!!
Hi Carrie,
I just wanted to let you know that I got my gas cards on November 20th! Thanks so much!!
hi carrie,
i just received my $500 gas cards yesterday! i was so surprised 'coz i was suppose to receive them by dec 19 and voila, i have the 2 gas cards on hand yesterday! yahoo! so happy! will post my pic soon. mwah!
thanks to your blog carrie. :)
Hi Carrie.
I received my $500 in gas cards today so please add me to your list.
Thanks again!
Take care,Wendi
Hi Carrie
I am kind of stuck and not sure how to move ahead. i did the IDeals 500 gas cards. I completed all my offers, was approved, printed the certificated and W9, completed and sent via DHL with signature and delivery confirmation but I have not had anything happening in 2 weeks. What should I be doing, looking to happen next??? Thanks, Lisa
I moved your comment to the I-Deal Questions/Comments button and will answer there.
Carrie - I finally got my gas cards!!!
I had to go to our local FedEx hub to pick them up since they wouldn't leave them without an adult signature.
We both work so no one is usually home when the FedEx guy arrives.
I had tried to explain that to them in an email because I was going to have it shipped to my work but they wouldn't send me any tracking information.
I just thought you might want to pass that info along to others who may not be home during the day.
Also, can you email or post the phone number for I-Deal? I was approved for the $100 Visa card offer the same day as the gas cards but still haven't seen or heard anything about it.
They won't return my emails when I click through the link on that site. Thanks for all your help!!! I now have a Macbook that we gave to our college son and $500gas cards that I never would have tried to get if it hadn't been for your blog!!!
I got the $500 in gas cards too - just haven't gotten my picture taken with them yet, lol!
I'm Alexis (Lexie) with the email address, usually, of (I'm at work right now)
Thanks for the great blog - you're awesome!!
I received my 2 - $250 shell cards from completing the I-deal stuff (on
your recommendation).
You rock!!
Thanks again for helping to add more gifts under our tree this year since
my husband and I wont have to pay for gas for a while!!
Leigh Brantley
Hi Carrie. I received my very first award in the mail today! This was a Nuitech offer that I started on 08/24/08.
My status changed to fulfilled on 11/12/08. That makes about 3.5 months from start to finish. Not too bad!
J I am now waiting for my iDeal $500 card (I posted about my major oops on this one).
Hopefully that one will come through as well.
I am looking forward to a new batch of offers to come through as I seem to have exhausted all the ones I am willing to do right now.
I so much appreciate your guidance and advice. Thank you!
I just got my $500.00 dollar Visa gift card for the cereal offer I did through your site!! Thanks so much!
I got my gas cards last night!!!! Pretty much 1 month from when they were approved (Approved Nov 18th, arrived Dec 17th).
My Circuit City one they sent me an email saying my phone and address weren't registered to me in public records and to send them bills. So a question about that - I sent them a utility bill in my husbands name (they're all in my husbands name) and our cell phone bill (which is the ONLY phone number I have and the number I used) which is in my name. Is that going to be a problem for any reason using a cell phone or not having any utilities in my name? Our house is soley in his name as we weren't married when he bought it. Thanks!
Hi Carrie,
This is a two-in-one.
Yeaahhh!! I just rec'd my $500.00 Visa Gift Card on Saturday.
(Question: I completed a 2nd offer from an Ideal site. When I check my gift status, it has the offer processed on the exact same date and time as my first offer. I'm worried that they've merged the two into one. Should I take action or wait and see?)
I am so excited!
My I-deal $500 shell gift cards have arrived!
Thanks for all of your hard work in explaining how to do these offers!
My $500 Shell gas cards arrived during the Christmas week. I started on 10/26/08, so it took exactly 2 month from start to receiving the cards. I was so excited. My husband didn't believe that these cards were REAL until he went to a shell gas station that evening and purchased something. This is really exciting. Carrie, thanks for your blog and posting information about these deals. I'm starting the $500 gift card deal tonight.
Thanks to you I received $500 in free gas cards in December!
It was so exciting. My oop cost was around $60 (not including the additional months of netflix that I kept by choice).
Thanks for all your great information!
I totally want to do this, but I'm scared!
Great to meet you tonight :)
I was so excited to meet everyone, too.
I am so thrilled to meet other moms in person who blog as well, and learned so much tonight.
In regards to the offers, it is SOO fun! If you pick the I-Deal offers ( I recommend the gas or Visa first ), and you know how to get ahold of me if you need encouragement! :-)
Carrie.....I need your HELP!! I'm trying to cancel my 7 day membership for jackpot thing from I called the number that I screen printed, and it tells you to go to the website and sign in to do it. Every time I sign in, it says it doesn't have me on record (I've tried 3 different email addresses, even though I KNOW which one I used). I did the forgot password thing for all 3 too, and have received no email from them (even checked my spam filter). What do I do? I need to cancel by Friday, and their phone number is no help!
Hi Carrie - I got my Kohl's and Applebees gift cards today. Woo-Hoo! I emailed you a pic. They sent me (1) $250 Applebees and (5) $50 Kohls cards.
Hi Carrie,
I'll admit I was a skeptic! I just received my $500 Exxon gift cards today!
I almost hugged my Fed Ex man... then I danced around my house super excited!
Can't wait to try the next one.
Do you have a recommendation on another easy deal?
Thanks again, your blog ROCKS!
Hi Carrie,
I just wanted to pass along my many thanks to's been a great 24 hours at my house.
Yesterday, I received my $500 gas gift card, and today, our $100 free money ($50 mine, $50 my husbands) from Sharebuilders posted into our bank account!
Not too shabby getting an extra $600 in 24 hours!
Keep up the great work on telling us all how to 'earn' extra money!
Susan Young
I am a believer!!
My $500 gc from the I-Deal came today!
I will send you a pic soon.
OKay but in all seriousness, I just received a $500 giftcard to Sears today from Ideal. Thanks so much for your instructions and advice. I can't believe I get to go on a $500 shopping spree for 2 hours of my time and $50 out of pocket. I am off to check out the other offers. Can't wait to get started on a new one. The look on my husband's face when he saw the amount on the giftcard was priceless. I will forward you a picture in a few minutes. Thanks so much!!
I just wanted to let you know that I got 500.00 worth of free gas cards today.
Thanks for the info at your site.
I read it everyday
The fedex man just called (who knew that they called beforehand?) andddddd my i-deal visa will be here TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's basically Christmas! :)
Thank you sooo soo much for all of your help!
My paperwork went to processed December 29, so that's just a week shy of a month.
YAY! And thanks again! Pictures to follow...
Hi Carrie,
I am loving these online offers. I am considering doing one of the larger dollar amounts, but I have a question about the referrals. When the T&C require you to have 2 others go through the offer process, does that mean that they also have to have 2 referrals? At what point does the chain stop? By the way, I haven't really kept you up to date. Last year I received $1000 and I started a Nuitech site for another $500 (they take forever!) and I just completed another IDeal site for $500. You have no idea how much this has helped me out! THANKS!
Hey, Carrie! I started the $500 Visa gift card deal (I-Deal) on 1/4/09, and the card was delivered today. Less than $50 OOP. Whoo-hoo!
My $500 gas cards came yesterday! Less than a month after they received everything! I'm so excited. Now my family and friends think I'm just a little less nuts! :) I sent you a picture via email.
Oh, and I've already sent in my paperwork on a $500 Visa... this is awesome!
I wanted to tell you THANK YOU for the detailed instructions on Online Offers.
I received my first $500 VISA Card this weekend and am on my way to two more.
Here is a link to the post on my blog and I've attached a picture of me with my card.
Thanks again!
I got my $500 gift card today!! Thank you so much. I can't wait to start another.
I got my Wii and Wii Fit today!! I am so excited and can't wait to post about it on my blog, hopefully this weekend with a thousand links back to your wonderfully patient and careful explanations of the process!
Hi Carrie,
What would be a good offer to start with if this is my first time trying these?
I would try an IDeal Top Notch. I liked the Gas Card for $500.
Hi Carrie! Thanks so much for your help. My $500 gas cards arrived on Friday, Feb. 20. I was approved on Jan. 26 and they arrived Feb. 20. Thanks. Can't wait to try another offer.
Hi Carrie,
I just received my $1000 gift card from Superbrewards! Woo Hoo!
Hi Carrie,
I just emailed you a picture, I received my first $500 visa gift card today, 2/25, after starting it on 1/9!! This was through Top Incentive (ideals top notch).
I started a $500 lowes gift card through I-deals/Bullseye Media. What other Ideals can I do? Are there more than 123 click and esolutions media? How can you tell which is which sub company (besides the ones you have listed?).
Ahhhhh!!!! I just got my cards! I'm so excited!!!!! I knew it would work, but there is something so gratifying to actually have them. Thanks so much Carrie! I'll send you some pics soon. You're the best!
Oh one other thing. I started my I-deal gas cards on January 25th and got them today. Less than 2 months for the whole thing!
Thanks again!
Hi Carrie!
I just received my $500 Visa gift card today! What a blessing it is for our family. I'm so thankful for you sharing this great way to earn some extra money. It will be so great to use for groceries and gas! I'm ready to start my next one!
My $500 gift card came in the mail today. Happy dance time!
I'll send you a photo later.
Thank you so, so much. This made my week!
Carrie, I received both of my IDeal offers within one day of each other (even though I did the offers two weeks apart). This was a fun experiment and it encouraged me to try things I wouldn't normally. I am definitely going to do another online offer!
Hi Carrie,
Just a quick note to say thank you! Since last November I have done three offers. The first was a $1000 gift card offer from Nuitech. It took about 3.5 months from start to finish and about $185 out of pocket. It was super easy with your help! The card came at just the right time because we ended up using it for some car and house repairs that popped up right then.
I did two I-deal offers next. The wii and wii fit offer as well as a $500 gift card offer. The wii offers went through in about 2 weeks and the Wii and Wii Fit arrived about 6 weeks after approval. My family and I had a great time with the Wii last night! The $500 gift card offers all approved in less than a week. I mailed in my paperwork and am now patiently awaiting the gift card which will be going toward my 10 year anniversary vacation.
Thank you again! I will definitely be doing more offers and greatly appreciate your willingness to help!
I just received my gift cards for $500.00 to Kmart!! Thanks again...that was the third deal I've completed!
Hi Carrie!
I received $1,000 in Visa gift cards back in January. Then this week my $500 Home Depot card came! Both of these were I-Deal sites. Thanks for all you do!!
Well, today I just received my $500 Home depot gift card from 123 Click! (It only took 4 weeks from the day I signed up, which was way cool!)
I'm attaching a pic of my daughter with our new gift card. Now we have some extra cash to put toward materials for our kitchen upgrade.
Thanks so much for all you do on your blog!
none of the deals I click on , on the left side of your blog work??? i want to start with ideal offer so how do i find one?
Which specific link are you having trouble with? I just clicked them on my left side bar and they are working for me.
Let me know.
I followed your instructions and received my $500 Visa Gift Card 4/10.
Thanks for introducing me to these opportunities and making them sound so simple.
HI Carrie.
My name is Cindy. I am Amanda Grossman's sister (you have her pic on your site with her holding her $1200 check!)
Here is my link to my blog where my $500 kmart giftcard is pictured from an offer I did!
Thanks for you time to share with everyone how to do this!!!
I just got my $500 Shell Gas Cards today! I'm super pumped! This is my second online offer to do and successfully complete! I'm just so thrilled. This serves our family so much right now! Thank you for all your hard work in helping us earn a little extra for our family!
Hi Carrie,
I just found your site by chance and I am very much thrilled by knowing the fact that online offers are not fraudulent and you have done lots of them. I also want to do these online offers so that I can make some extra money for my living but I don't know where to start from. In my email I usually get lot of these kind of mails having online offers which I delete thinking them as junk. How should I find out which one is authentic so that I can do that.Is there any place where all the authentic online offers are available so that we can do the one we like.
I hope I am not bugging you much :)
Thanks a lot.
Not bugging me at all.
You can click any of the images in my side bars.
They are categorized by each parent company, so you can read specific instructions for each.
And, all offers in my side bars are from companies I have worked with and been successful.
When I clicked on "mypremiumrewards - $1,500," at the top of the page, it sent me to the Betty Crocker web site. Is that correct? Is this the offer you are currently working on yourself...because I remember seeing somewhere that you are doing a Nuitech offer for $1,500. Thanks!
I was so excited when I got the mail yesterday and I received my $500 Aeropostale gift cards already. I only started the whole process on 3/10/09. I did this through IDeal. This is my very first time trying these offers and am sure going to try it again soon. Thanks Carrie!
So sorry. I forgot those links were in the post. They were from over a year ago, so no longer valid. I took them out.
The $1,500 Mortgage deal is gone for now. If it comes back, I will repost it on my site.
This doesn't have to do with the brag post....but does anyone know why Andrea @ mommysnacks is now only open to invited readers??? And now my brag.....My $500 Kmart gift card is pictured above!!! Thanks Carrie for all the pointers and how-to's on cash offers!
She is no longer on blogger, so her blogspot address is now turned off.
You will want to go to
Don't type the www
We got our $500 Visa gift card last week from I-Deal!! This was our first deal and it all went off without a hitch - we paid around $80 OOP. Can't wait to try the next offer! Thanks Carrie!
I emailed a picture of my baby holding my $5oo Visa Card last night but wanted to be sure and brag about it here!
I can't tell you how excited I was to see that FedEx guy! He was kind of funny and said "Must be a pretty important letter to require a signature." And I said "Yes it is!" I was jumping for joy, i'm sure he thought I was a little nuts. But that's ok. He and I are going to get to know each other really well since I'm about to start some more offers here soon!
Thanks for all you do Carrie! I just think your the best!
Hi Carrie! I learned about you thru Nicole's Nickels. She taught me how to do online offers and I understand that you are the master!!! ;) Thanks so much for spreading your knowledge on how to do these. You are an inspiration!!! ;)
Free Sample Freak
I received a $500 Visa gift card last week! Super exciting!
I also sent off for another $500 Visa gift card today. Hopefully, I will be bragging about receiving that one soon!
Hi carrie,
yesterday I tried to do a $450 visa card offer for the first time. Its taking me too much time may be this is my first time :(
I have a few questions for you as I am stuck halfway-
1.If in the terms and conditions for a particular offer if it is not written that if you cancel the subscription during the trial period you will not recieve the gift, then does this means that if you cancel the offer in the trial period you will still get the gift?
2. Also like how it works , after completing all the offers will I recieve an email saying that you have completed all the offers and you will get your gift card.
Plz plz plz help me.. I really want to do this.
Hi Rakhee,
Where did you find a $450 offer? My site?
Without knowing which company you did and which offer, it may be a bit hard for me to help.
But, in general, all offers are different ( the ones you complete within the website ) in regards to their terms/conditions. So, there is really no way to answer that question.
All the companies would like you to try their products to see if you like them before you make a decision whether or not to keep them. Each one will have stipulations within their terms on their cancellation follow those.
In regards to receiving an email, again it depends what company you are doing.
In general, you usually can just log back into your account page and see the update. I just do screen prints and save them once I go confirmed, just so I have documentation.
And, don't worry, the more you do...the faster they are. I can whip thru one now in no time. :-)
Carrie, do we have to use the same credit card for all the offers. My credit card company has virtual credit card numbers we can use, but every number can only be used once. So, for 8 offers, there will be 8 different credit card numbers, but they are really all from the same credit card. Will that be okay to do?
Hi Carrie,
I just got my $500 visa today! 3 weeks and 1 day after the paperwork was approved. Now I'm waiting on my $500 Target card. They approved at the same time, so it should arrive soon.
Thanks so much for all your detailed instructions. I couldn't have done it without you blog.
that is how I recommend doing it...use virtual card numbers.
It doesn't matter that it is a diferent number for each offer.
Carrie, Can't wait to start my first offer. Your site has given so much helpful info. One question...Do you get many soliciting phone calls when you give your phone number? It appears that each offer requires a home phone number. We only have one extension and I would hate for it to be tied up with marketing calls all the time?
Hi Rhonda,
I have not noticed a big difference.
But, I never was on the "do not" call list before.
But, it is not outrageous..if any difference at all.
Hi Carrie! You've got a reader $500 richer! I received my $500 olive garden gift cards today. 6 wks & 1 day from start to finish! My oop was $80.47! $419.53 profit! Can't wait to use them! All thanks to your blog!
I got my first $500 Visa GC from IDeal last week. Thanks Carrie!!
My $1000 Visa card from Superb Rewards came today :) Once the 60 days came and final approval paperwork was sent in, I had my card very quickly :)
I got my first $500 Visa Gift card from I-deal and my second $750 in Gift Cards from I-Deal in the same day! Thanks Carrie!
Hey Carrie!
I just got my Wii and Wii Fit!!
I posted about it here
Thanks so much for all your work and for making me brave enough to try one of these out. :)
Hi Carrie! I received my first $500(Visa gift card) from IDeal last week!! I'm so excited to try more offers, thanks so much for showing us how to do this!
I got my first $500 gift card today. Would've gotten it yesterday, but wasn't home when Fed Ex came by. I started it on May 18, so it didn't take long at all. Thank you!
Hi! I got my first $500 Visa card today from the e-research link. I was surprised because they said it would be here in mid-late July and it showed up by FedEx this afternoon!
I just started one of these $500 offers and it took me sooooo long to pick out what to do. I still think I have a duplicate in their somewhere and considering all the stress thusfar I don't know if I will do another one. I did an IDeal but don't like that you don't spell out EXACTLY how long you have to keep your membership. I guess I will have to see if it comes thru..but I am sooo nervous I will end up spending too much. I do have Question...when they say 7 day trial do they go by business days or calendar days?
Hi Carrie,
I got $500 visa gift card and the same day also got my new iPod Touch and $100 of iTunes. Woo Hoo! Already working on another $500 gift card.
Thanks for your blog, it's wonderful!!!
Always go by calendar days and not business days.
If I could spell out the requirements, I would.
But, each of the offers you sign up for can have different stipulations and there is really no way of telling what they are.
They also add new offers all the time, and many I have not even done yet to even have an idea.
If you go with some other companies ( for example Nuitech ) you do know with those that you must remain a member past 60 days. So, if that would help you, you may want to try one of their offers instead of an IDeal.
Let us know when you get your gift!
i was wondering how this works ..please let me know!
If you are on my main page ( money saving methods ) click on the Online Offers button in the left menu bar.
This will take you to the explanation of how it all works.
When you decide which company you are going to do, make sure to read those specific instructions as well ( for example, if you do an IDeal offer, read the IDeal instructions,too )
I just qualified and printed my certificate for another $500 Visa Gift Card. Thanks!!!
I'll send a pic as soon as I recieve it.
Just wanted to let you know that I received my $500 amazon gift card in the mail. Thank you so much for your help, your time, and your encouragement. Never would have done this before. I am now working on a $500 Visa. So excited, thanks!!!
Thank you so very much for the detailed information on how to do online offers! I just received my first $500 Visa card today from Ideal comsumer opinion bureau!!! I wouldn't have been brave enough to try it without your blog. I hope to start a different one soon. It was quick, too--less than a month from when I completed the offers.
I did the Jasper Marketing Food Critic 101 for the $500 Olive Garden Card. All offers are approved excpet 1 Platinum. I just went back 3 weeks later to do a replacement offer and ALL the offers that I click says this offer has expired.... what do I do??? Have you ever had this experience and if so can I overcome this? please email me directly if you can so I can go over this with you lisa dot neicen@ I have done many of these offers and this is a 1st and I am SO nervous that i can't do anything else with this.
Hi Carrie!
I know I had mentioned in an e-mail to you that I had received my very first IDeal gift card -- a $500 Visa! But even more important . . . I FINALLY get to add a post to the Blogger Bragger Post!!!
Thank you for all of your help and encouragement. I've already started another IDeal and I'm hoping (now that I've had practice) that I'll do even better in the profit margin. However, after all costs including postage, it only cost $103 for a $500 card -- & I'll take that any day -- plus I received two $25 Visa cards from one of the completed offers. And the approvals went really quickly; just a little over four weeks from start to notification that the card was being sent. Then about 6 1/2 weeks for the card to arrive.
Thank you again. This is such a wonderful way to add to our family's income, and I truly appreciate the in-depth instructions to keep us on the right track.
I just received my latest $500 gift card from I-Deal! (I know I put this in a message on FB, but I wanted to tell you "officially " here too!)
I have done a $500 offer with MarketLabs and a $500 offer with Top Notch. I got these from Nicole's Nickels blog. I thought she said on her blog that they are all different, meaning that you can do $1000 worth of offers with both of them? Do you know abuot these? Is that true? I want to do more, I love them so much. So if I can do one more $500 offer with each company I will. I was also wondering how often they change their offers. I've almost signed up for all the offers and don't want to wait 6 months to do more, but I am very nervous abuot the ones that won't let you cancel till 30 days, becuase a lot of there offers I had already done or cost a lot of money when the 30 days are up. I looked at doing one and it would have cost me hundreds. I wouldn't have made that much. Any advice? Sorry this is so long and so many questions. Thanks for all your help.
Hi Carrie,
Thanks so much for your fabulous site---I just got my $500 visa gift card! My experience was incredibly fast...I signed up on July 15 for all the offers and received my gift card August 26. I can only hope it goes so smoothly in the future! Can't wait to do it again!
Hi Carrie! Just got my 2nd $500 gift card from IDeal -- the grocery card offer!!! And it was so fast this time: started July 29th, paperwork sent in August 8th, approved August 28th, and card received today on September 10th! The last card took 6 1/2 weeks to get to me, so this was a real surprise.
This is like MAGIC . . . I'm going to start another offer asap. I cannot thank you enough for your information & help, and not only with the gift cards. You've made a real difference in my life!
Carrie-thanks so much for posting this opportunity...I completed my offer with IDeals in October and received my $500 giftc ard yesterday. The turn around time was right at 8weeks. Thanks for all of your support!
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